It’s an unfortunate fact that Australians have to contend with the threat of burglary and too many people find themselves at the receiving end of this type of property crime. So, what can you do about it? As experienced insurance brokers in Perth, we’ve seen many of our customers fall victim to burglary and today we’ll be looking at some of the ways you can protect your home from crime.

Invest in an alarm system

An alarm system can be a great way to offer peace of mind and deter would-be thieves. Burglars want things to be as easy as possible and the presence of an alarm system can be enough to put them off. This is a particularly good idea in two storey homes so you can monitor what’s happening downstairs.

Lock before you leave

One of the most common ways for burglars to enter homes is simply through unlocked doors and windows. Ensure that you have window locks or security screens on your windows so there are no easy entry points and lock up before you go out, even if it’s only for a short time.

Install sensor lights

Sensor lights are inexpensive to install and offer a great way to deter unwelcome visitors to the home. You can set your sensor lights to a certain distance so they detect anyone coming onto your property.

Have a dog on the premises

If you have a dog at home, they can act as a great deterrent for criminals. Remember, you don’t have to have a Rottweiler for a dog to act as a deterrent. Research has shown that dogs of all sizes can be off-putting as long as they make a bit of noise when strangers approach!

Optimise visibility from the road

Having good visibility from the road can help protect your home as it gives criminals less opportunity to come onto your property undetected. Reduce hiding spots by keeping bushes and shrubs cut back and have appropriate outdoor lighting.

Have the right insurance

No matter how prepared you are, there may come a time where you find yourself the victim of theft. For this reason, it’s essential that you have the right insurance cover in place so you’re covered financially. Speak to your broker to ensure your current level of cover is up to scratch.

At GSK Insurance Brokers, we can help ensure that your home is protected in the event of a burglary. Your insurance broker will take the hard work out by assessing your areas of risk to find the best insurance package so you can be confident that you’re protected. We also step in at claim time by liaising directly with the insurer to ensure the best possible outcome.

If you’re looking for an insurance agent Perth, contact GSK Insurance Brokers today on (08) 9478 1933.

February 10, 2019

By Graham Knight

Founder and Managing Director of GSK Insurance (established in 1981). Graham draws upon more than 50 years’ experience in the insurance industry, working in both insurance and broking across various private, public and government sectors in Australia.

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