Business insurance should never be an afterthought. After all, a good insurance package protects your business financially when things go wrong and gives ongoing peace of mind. However, too many businesses don’t have the right level of insurance in place and assume they have everything covered, only to get a nasty surprise at claim time. Today, we’re taking a closer…
Every business owner knows that you need to have some level of insurance in place to give you peace of mind and protect the business financially. Rather than sorting out the insurance side of the business yourself, you can use a business insurance broker to take care of things for you. If you’re not sure whether a broker will be helpful for…
If you run a business, you need to make sure you protect yourself financially and one of the ways to do this is with a comprehensive business insurance package. Unfortunately, there are quite a few business insurance myths that we hear all the time that can potentially impact your decision-making when researching the best policy for you. Today, we’ll debunk…
Small to medium enterprise (SME) in Australia has continued to experience significant growth in 2017 and there are over two million businesses across the country made up of companies with fewer than 250 employees. Reports from the National Australia Bank indicate that SMEs contribute 57% of Australia’s gross domestic product (GDP) and SMEs employ a truly impressive 70% of the…