Unless you’re very lucky, chances are that you’ll need to make an insurance claim at one point or another. So, what exactly do you need to do when you make an insurance claim? Today, we’ll be looking at the steps you need to consider to make the process of making your insurance claim as easy as possible.

Let your insurer know as soon as possible

If you need to make a claim, it’s best to call your insurer as soon as possible and have your insurance policy handy so you can provide a policy number. If you’re not sure that your scenario warrants a claim, have a look at your policy Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to look at your exclusions. If you’re not sure, don’t worry – your insurer be able to advise you on whether the claim can proceed.

Provide documentation

When making a claim, gather together the documentation which may help in the claims process. This includes proof of purchase items, such as receipts or photos. In the case of stolen or vandalised items, your insurer will generally require a police report to proceed with the claim. Explain the situation to the police and request an incident report number so this can be passed on to the insurer.

Give as much detail as possible

Be aware that you’ll need to provide as much information as possible when you’re pursuing a claim. You’ll need to provide factual information such as the time and date of the incident, what happened and how much you’re claiming for. Don’t leave any information out and simple give a truthful account of what happened. Also, remember that you’ll need to pass on the details of any other parties involved in the claim, such details of the other person following a car accident.

Your insurance broker at claim time

The process of making an insurance claim is made a whole lot easier if you have an insurance broker looking after you. All you need to do at claim time is give your broker a call and they’ll liaise directly with the insurer on your behalf. Your broker will follow up your claim to ensure its processed as quickly as possible, and will work on your behalf if there are disputes involved with the claim.

GSK Insurance Brokers lead the way when it comes to offering tailored insurance solutions. Our Perth insurance brokers are there to support you every step of the way, from the initial stages of taking out your policy to doing the heavy lifting at claim time. With a loyal client base stretching across Australia, we know how to cover your risks.

If you’re looking for professional insurance brokers in Perth and Melbourne, contact the team at GSK Insurance Brokers today on (08) 9478 1933.

August 13, 2018

By Graham Knight

Founder and Managing Director of GSK Insurance (established in 1981). Graham draws upon more than 50 years’ experience in the insurance industry, working in both insurance and broking across various private, public and government sectors in Australia.

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