Neil is a self-employed electrician. He does some cabling work on a new subdivision, but unbeknown to him, the product he works with is faulty, and spontaneously ignites when no one is around. Before long, a newly constructed property is engulfed in flames, and the fire spreads to other nearby properties. Four new homes are destroyed as a result of the fault, and a member of the public who rushes to try and fight the fire is badly injured in the process.

Kellie is a plumbing contractor. She carries out some installation work as part of a bathroom renovation project, and has just picked up some new pipe fittings. After completing the work, the substandard pipe fittings fail, causing the pipes to burst, allowing copious amounts of water to gush forth. The water damage to the property is substantial, and many of the building’s contents are written off.

Unfortunately, these disquieting scenarios can crop up unexpectedly and without any forewarning in the course of working in any one of the trades. In these jobs, safety is a priority, but the nature of the work means that risk is ever present, and there can be some profound legal implications if something does go wrong. As you can imagine, the impact of events like this can be devastating both personally and professionally. Whether self-employed, or subcontracting, there are many potential pitfalls which can pose a threat to the integrity and success of your business. Some of these risks are more obvious and dramatic, some less. Unfortunately, particularly in the trades, there is a risk that someone could be killed or injured in a particular work environment, or as a result of a problem with the workmanship, tools or products used in the course of undertaking that work. In addition, if someone else’s property is damaged as a result of work you have undertaken, or because of the products you have installed, the potential consequences can similarly be disastrous or deadly. Responsibility for these kinds of problems rests with the individual trade worker, and as mentioned, without the appropriate insurance protection, can result in crippling and devastating consequences.

Why choose GSK insurance brokers to find the best trade insurance for you?

As grim as the consequences of these potential liabilities may seem, the good news is that there are some excellent options out there when it comes to protecting yourself against the risks associated with working in the trades. At GSK Insurance Brokers, we understand that the legal side of contracting is a complex and sometimes confusing matter. At GSK we are professional brokers, and it is our job to do the hard work for you. We do our utmost to save you the time and trouble of stressing about finding the right type of trade insurance for you. We pride ourselves on being experienced, trade insurance specialists with detailed knowledge about the risks and pitfalls associated with the various trades in Australia. Whether it’s electrical work, plumbing, roof carpentry, lawn mowing, tree lopping or any other trade domain, we will carefully analyse your particular needs, identify the specific types of risk you face, and accordingly, find the ‘best fit’ trade insurance cover and protection policy for you. We draw on our well established foothold in the insurance industry when acting on your behalf, and we have worked hard to become highly regarded brokers for all types of trade insurance, in Perth. That’s why we can provide guidance and advice based on your everyday working needs, and will go all out to ensure that as a trade worker, you are covered for every eventuality you may face. That takes the weight of worry off your mind, and leaves you to focus on getting on with the job.

July 17, 2017

By Graham Knight

Founder and Managing Director of GSK Insurance (established in 1981). Graham draws upon more than 50 years’ experience in the insurance industry, working in both insurance and broking across various private, public and government sectors in Australia.

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