Monthly Archives: April 2021

Construction Insurance Market Update 2021
Construction Insurance Market Update 2021

The construction insurance market in Australia is changing in 2021, with some insurers leaving the market, resulting in an increase in pricing, rising excess levels, and more restrictions placed on policies and claims. In addition, COVID-19 has had an impact on the construction industry and related losses. New and changing reforms around Mandatory Insurance for those in the construction industry…

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Which region in Australia has the highest insurance premiums?
Which region in Australia has the highest insurance premiums?

Home, contents and strata insurance premiums differ from property to property, and between different insurance providers. But which region in Australia largely has the most expensive insurance premiums? An inquiry performed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) revealed that northern Australia, on average, has the most costly insurance policies. This region includes north Western Australia, the Northern Territory,…

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